These Rewards Program terms and conditions replace our old Rewards Program and VIP Club terms and conditions from 15 May 2024. 

You must be a registered user of to participate in the VetProductsDirect Rewards Program.

Tiered Membership

Our rewards program has tiers and the number of points you accrue and other entitlement depends on which tier you are in. For details of the tiers and the points you accrue for each tier, visit our Rewards Page

We may move you between tiers as set out on our Rewards Page or these terms and conditions. 

Accruing Points


Under the Rewards Program, you accrue points for each purchase of an eligible item from our online store after this program commenced (15 May 2024). Eligible Items are those products that are available for purchase on our website other than those that our website states are not Eligible Items.

 The number of points you will accrue for an Eligible Item is determined by us from time to time as set out in ourRewards Page.

Points accrue when an Eligible Item(s) is ordered, paid for, and shipped by us. Points are credited to your account when your order is shipped, not before.

You do not accrue points for any purchase of any product which is not an Eligible Item, for Postage & Handling or for any other payments, fees or charges other than the price of items or for any purchase paid for with points. This includes postage, handling and shipping charges, special charges, restocking or re-shipping charges, credit card charges, government taxes (other than GST), charges or levies or any fees or charges imposed by any person (including any advertiser on our website and your credit card or payment processor) other that VPD Australia.

You do not accrue points for any re-ship or replacement for any reason including if your original order was lost or damaged.

We may include other ways to accrue points, such as creating an account, leaving a review or liking us on social media. The applicable points for such action will be clearly shown on our Rewards Page.

If you had any rewards points showing in your account at prior to 15 May 2024, those points will be carried across to the new program which commenced on 15 May 2024. We may at our absolute discretion provided additional or bonus points at that time. 


Using Points

Rewards points can be redeemed during the checkout process. Before checking out, ensure that you are signed in to your account. 

Once you get to the checkout screen, you will see your total available rewards points on the top left of the page.  To use your rewards, click on ‘Choose Reward’ and select the number of points you would like to redeem on the order you are placing, then continue with the checkout process. 

You must have a minimum balance of at least 250 points each time you would like to make a redemption, and your cart must equal or exceed $50 (before points discounts). 

You cannot redeem points except as set out in these terms and conditions.

Points have no monetary value and may not be sold, swapped or given away.

If you have more than one account, you cannot merge accounts or combine points.

Points expire 1 year after the date they are accrued unless they are redeemed or cancelled.

 Your Account and Points Adjustments


The number of points you have accrued is shown on your user account. To see the number of points you have, visit our website, and login to our account.  The number of points as recorded is conclusive for all purposes, subject to our right to adjust or remove points as set out in these terms and conditions.

We may adjust your points entitlement where you have ordered an Eligible Item but you subsequently cancel or change that order or where payment is canceled, disputed or refunded (including a credit card chargeback or payment processor dispute) or where you deny making the order.

We may adjust or reverse your points where we reasonably consider (a) that you have sold, swapped or given away or attempted to sell, swap or give away your points (b) that there has been fraud, deception or a scheme specifically intended or which has the effect of accruing points other than those that a customer would normally be entitled to or using them other than in accordance with these terms or conditions or you have given us false or incorrect information or attempt to do so (whether or not there is any intention to defraud or deceive).

Points only accrue on purchases of retail quantities acquired for normal individual use and do not accrue on wholesale or other bulk orders.

If you redeem points but it is later determined that you were not entitled to those points, you must pay the full retail price for those items on demand. If we hold your credit card details on file, you authorise us to debit such card for any such amounts.


The redemption of points is subject to availability and VetProductsDirect has no liability to you for any inability to redeem points whatsoever, including arising out of technical failure, product unavailability or any other reason.


Suspension, Cancellation and Changes to Program


If you cancel your account with us, all your points are also cancelled. You cannot transfer points to another account or redeem points for cash.

Your participation and entitlements are governed by these terms and conditions and the information on our Rewards page. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Changes to these terms and conditions come into effect when they are printed on our website.

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate any person’s participation in the Rewards Program including the right to suspend or terminate the Rewards Program altogether without notice and for any reason whatsoever. We will take reasonable steps to notify a person whose participation has been terminated. You agree that if we have any liability to you whatsoever arising out of the termination of your participation in the Rewards Program for any reason whatsoever, our maximum liability to you is $10.


General Matters


You are responsible for all taxes, fees and charges associated with points or your participation in the Rewards Program. If we pay any such amounts on your behalf, you will reimburse us such amounts on demand.


You agree that us sending an email to the email address recorded on your account or posting a letter to the street address recorded on your account is sufficient notice of anything we are obliged or entitled to do under this Rewards Program whether or not you in fact receive or read such email or letter.

If there is a difference between these terms and conditions and what is on the Rewards page, then these terms and conditions prevail. 

The VetProductsDirect  Rewards Program is governed by the laws of Queensland and Australia. All disputes are governed by that law and you agree that any disputes will be resolved exclusively by the courts of Queensland.

You agree that before bringing any action in any court or tribunal arising out of or in connection with the Rewards Program (including these terms and conditions) you will first (a) provide to us with  a written outline of the dispute and copies of all documents you say evidence or relate to the dispute in your possession (b) give us  at least 45 days to respond and (c) if required by us, participate in any internal review and/or a mediation conducted pursuant to the rules of the Australian Mediation Association or if there are no such rules or it is unclear which rules apply, as determined by the President of the Queensland Law Society.

The Rewards Program is subject to applicable government laws, rules and regulations.If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a Court of Law, such invalidity or unenforceability will not affect the remainder of the terms and conditions which will continue in full force and effect.

VetProductsDirect , we or us, means  VPD Australia Pty Ltd ACN 93 106 944 030